Thursday, January 24, 2013

215 瀬黒岩水仙郷 - Seguroiwa Suisen-kyo

日本水仙 - Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis
Late Jan '13


日本水仙 - Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis
Late Jan '13

Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13

Late Jan '13

Seguroiwa Suisen-kyo is famous for Suisen (Tazetta narcissus, Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis) as well as Tachikawa Suisen-kyo.
On  steep hill sides, Suisen are growing and blooming their lovely flowers.

Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13
These Suisen are indigenous (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis).

Late Jan '13
Flowering season semms to come bit faster than Tachikawa Suisen-kyo.
It was the best time to enjoy Suisen's beautiful flowers and smells in late Jan 2013.
Although it was bit slower than average year.

Late Jan '13


開園日 : 12月下旬から2月下旬(水仙の開花具合により、毎年変更。開園期間中は無休)

9:00 - 17:00

料金 : 500円


Open : Between late Dec and late Feb.
This depends on flowering situation.
Please check the official web site before you visit.

9:00 - 17:00

Entrance fee : 500 Yen.

About 40 mins drive from Seidan Mihara IC (Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway)

View 瀬黒岩水仙郷 - Seguroiwa Suisen-kyo in a larger map

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

214 立川水仙郷 - Tachikawa Suisen-kyo

Late Jan '13

Late Jan '13

Late Jan '13

スイセン’ガリル’ - Narcissus 'Gallil'
Late Jan '13
Awaji-shima is famous for Suisen (Tazetta narcissus, Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis).
This island is one of popular gregarious place of Suisen in Japan.
Especially, Tachikawa Suisen-kyo and Seguroiwa Suisen-kyo are well known.

Late Jan '13
However, Tachikawa Suisen-kyo is better known as "Misteirous Paradaise" due to the TV program reports.

Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13
In Tachikawa Suisenkyo, most of Narcissus are exotic, not indigenous species.
When I visited there in the end of Jan 2013, unfortunately, Narcissus were one-fourth in bloom.
Suisen has been blooming very slowly in this year 2013.
Tachikawa Suisenkyo is located in the mountain therefore Suisen blooming 7days to 10days slower than Seguroiwa Suisen-kyo.

Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13


8:00 - 17:00



8:00 - 17:00

Entrance fee : 500 Yen

About 40 mins drive from Sumoto IC (Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway).
Road width becomes narrow some area, please drive carefully.
Furthermore, the entrance to Suisen-kyo is very very steep!

View 立川水仙郷 - Tachikawa Suisen-kyo in a larger map

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

213 北淡震災記念公園 - Hokudan Shinsai Kinen Koen

Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13


野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13

野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13


野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13
Late Jan '13


メモリアルハウス - Memorial House
Late Jan '13

メモリアルハウス - Memorial House
Late Jan '13


メモリアルハウス - Memorial House
Late Jan '13
メモリアルハウス - Memorial House
Late Jan '13

5:46AM 17th Jan, 1995, A big earthquake (The great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake) occured.
This big earthquake caused a huge damage on Kobe area but also Awaji-shima.

野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13
After this tragidic disaster, 10km long fault appeared in the north part of Awaji-shima.
A part of this fault has been preserved at Nojima Danso Hozon-kan (Nojima Fault Preservation Pavillion) in Hokudan Shinsai Kinen Koen.

野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13
野島断層 - Nojima Fault
Late Jan '13

You can see a fault which has kept as it happened in 1995.
Moreover, you can enter a house called Memorial House which was suffered from that earthquake.

神戸の壁 :
A Wall of Kobe
Built as a firewall around 1927.
This wall protected Kobe city from the fire of WWII and The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
Late Jan '13
I am pretty sure that you will see how much the earthquake has strong power.

Late Jan '13

Furthermore, you can experience the re-created tremor of The great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake at Shinsai Taiken-kan (Earthquake Experience Hall).


9:00 - 17:00
休館日 : 12月22日~12月28日



9:00 - 17:00
Close : Between 22nd Den and 28th Dec

Entrance fee : 700 Yen

About 10 mins drive from Hokudan IC (Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway).

View 北淡震災記念公園 - Hokudan Shinsai Kine Koen in a larger map