Saturday, August 29, 2009

31 表御殿庭園 - Omote Goten Teien

Late-Aug, 09


Late-Aug, 09
Late-Aug, 09

Omote Goten Teien is located in Tokushima Chuo Koen where used to be Tokushima Castle.
This garden is recognized as
Scenic Beauty Garden by Japanese Government.
Significantly, stone works are absolutely beautiful.
They caught my eyes as soon as I entered the garden.

In my opinion 50 Yen as the entree fee is extremely cheap.

Late-Aug, 09



10mins walk from JR Tokushima Station

入園料 50円
開館時間 9:00 - 17:00 (16:30までに入園のこと)
休園日 毎週月曜日(祝日は除く)
12月28日 - 1月4日

Entree Fee 50Yen
Open 9:00 - 17:00 (Gate closes at 16:30)
Close Every Monday except public holidays.
Day after public holidays.
28th Dec - 4th Jan

より大きな地図で 表御殿庭園 - Omote Goten Teien を表示

Monday, August 17, 2009

30 夏祭り - Natsu matsuri

八王子祭り : 東京都八王子市
Hachioji Matsuri : Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Early-Aug, 09


八王子祭り : 東京都八王子市
Hachioji Matsuri : Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Early-Aug, 09

Natsu matsuri (Summer festival) is also popular event during the summer time as same as the fireworks in Japan.
Many of small stalls appear on the street and people wear the Yukata.

This is the summer of Japan.

八王子祭り : 東京都八王子市
Hachioji Matsuri : Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Early-Aug, 09


Thursday, August 13, 2009

29 花火 - Hanabi

Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Early-Aug, 09

花火は夏の風物詩。 七月の後半から八月の終わりにかけて、ほぼ毎週末どこかで楽しむ事が出来ます。

Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Early-Aug, 09

Hanabi (Fire works) is the most popular summer event in Japan.
We can enjoy the fire works somewhere in Japan almost every weekend from the end of July to the end of August.
Japanese fire works have its own beauty.
The reason of this might be there were no war during Edo era in Japan.
Therefore, gun powder was not used for the military purpose and it was used for only fire works.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

28 外国人墓地 - Gaikokujin Bochi

Main gate
Late-Jul, 09


View to MM21 area
Late-Jul, 09

Gaikokujin Bochi (The foreign cemeteries) in Yokohama is located on a small hill.
This is the peaceful place for the foreigners who contributed much to modernize Japan.
What are they thinking while they are sleeping far away from their countries.



資料館 入館料:無料

Generally, 'cemetary' is exclusive.

Foreign Cemetery Museum : Free Entree
Open : 10 AM to 5 PM
Closed : Monday

For more information, please visit


10mins walk form Motomachi - Chukagai Station (Minato Mirai Line)

より大きな地図で 外国人墓地 - Gaikokujin Bochi を表示

Sunday, August 9, 2009

27 山手洋館 - Yamate Yokan

横浜市イギリス館 - British House Yokohama 
Late-Jul, 09


Western-Style building is not popular in Japan.
(I perhaps should not post this topic because I may address you 'where you are from')
However, we can visit them in Yamate, Yokohama.

山手111番館 - Bluff No.111
カフェあります。 Cafe is available.
Late-Jul, 09

When you walk down 'Yamate-Hondori', you will see seven famous architectures.
It takes at least 3hours to visit those place on foot.
Some of them have a cafe so you can enjoy the tea time with the nostalgic atmosphere.
In addition, those 7 buildings are free entree.

山手234番館 - Bluff No.234
Late-Jul, 09

エリスマン邸 - Ehrisman Residence
カフェあります。 Cafe is available.

Late-Jul, 09


ベーリック・ホール - Berrick Hall
Late-Jul, 09

外交官の家 - Diplomat's House
カフェあります。 Cafe is available.

ブラフ18番館 - Buluff No 18Late-Jul, 09

横浜市イギリス館 - British House Yokohama

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00
休館日 第4水曜日 (祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00
Close Wed of 4th week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.)and end of the year and beginning of the year.

7mins walk from Entrance No5, Motomachi-Chukagai Station (Minatomirai Line)

山手111番館 - Bluff No.111

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00 (カフェ10:00 - 17:00)
休館日 毎週水曜日、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00 (Cafe10:00 - 17:00)
Close Every Wed and end of the year and beginning of the year.

山手234番館 - Bluff No.234

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00
休館日 第4水曜日(祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00
Close Wed of 4th week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.) and end of the year and beginning of the year.

エリスマン邸 - Ehrisman Residence

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00 (カフェ10:00 - 16:00)
休館日 第2水曜日 (祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00 (Cafe 10:00 - 16:00)
Close Wed of 2nd week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.) and end of the year and beginning of the year.

ベーリック・ホール - Berrick Hall

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00
休館日 第2水曜日 (祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00
Close Wed of 2nd week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.) and end of the year and beginning of the year.

外交官の家 - Diplomat's House

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00 (カフェ10:00 - 16:00)
休館日 第4水曜日(祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00 (Cafe 10:00 - 16:00)
Close Wed of 4th week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.) and end of the year and beginning of the year.

ブラフ18番館 - Buluff No 18

Close between 1st Jul 2009 and 31st Aug 2009 due to the constraction.

開館時間 9:30 - 17:00
休館日 第2水曜日 (祝日の場合は翌日が休館)、年末年始

Open 9:30 - 17:00
Close Wed of 2nd week (if that day is a public holiday, that day is open but following day is close.) and end of the year and beginning of the year.

5mins walk from Ishikawa-cho Station, South Entrance (JR Negishi Line)

より大きな地図で 山手洋館 - Yamate Yokan を表示

Friday, August 7, 2009

26 港の見える丘公園 - Minatono Mieru Oka Koen

Late-Jul, 09



View from the observation deck
Late-Jul, 09

Minatono Mieru Oka Koen is synonym for Yokohama ( about 20 years ago..)
Very much popular park for the lovers.

On the other hand, the view of current Yokohama is chaotic.

It desapoints me little bit.


みなとみらい線 元町・中華街駅5番出口より徒歩7分。

7mins walk form Motomachi - Chukagai Station (Minato Mirai Line)

より大きな地図で 港の見える丘公園 - Minatono Mieru Oka Koen を表示

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

25 富士五湖 - Fuji Goko


There are five famous natural lakes at the foot of Mt Fuji.
We called them Fuji-Goko.
Four of them locate close distance therefore, we can visit them pretty easily.

Obviously, whenever the weather is good, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery which is combination of Mt Fuji and the lake.

本栖湖 / Motosu-ko
Late-Jul, 09
Motosu-ko is famous for the back print of 5000Yen note.

精進湖 / Shoji-ko
Late-Jul, 09
Many hydrangea flowers are planted around Shoji-ko.

西湖 / Sai-ko
Late-Jul, 09
Saiko is described as 'Womanly beauty'.

河口湖 / Kawaguchi-ko
Late-Jul, 09
Kawaguchiko is a major tourist destination.


I could not visit Yamanakako where is apart from these four lakes.
I look forward to visit there next time.


Please visit the website below for further information about Fuji area.

より大きな地図で 富士五湖 - Fuji Goko を表示

Sunday, August 2, 2009

24 鳴沢氷穴 - Narusawa Hyoketsu

Late-Jul, 09


Narusawa Hyoketsu (Hyoketsu means Ice Cave) is the natural cave.
This cave is listed as "Natural Monument" by Japanese Government.
Inside of the cave is very cold and the ice remains whole year.
To walk inside, some parts of the ceiling is very low and floor is sliply.
Please watch your head and foot.

There is another cave near by.
Which name is Fugaku Wind Cave.
This cave is bigger and longer than the Ice Cave.



Entree fee 280Yen.
Open 9am to 17pm.(It depends on the season.)




15mins drive from Kawaguchiko IC.

25 mins by bus from Kawaguchiko Station.
(Take Fujikyu Yamanashi Bus, to 'Shin-Fuji Station' then Stop at the 'Hyoketsu' bus stop.)

or Take Kawaguchiko Shuyu Retro Bus(Saiko, Aokigahara Shuyu) and stop at 'Fugaku Fuketsu'.

より大きな地図で 氷穴 を表示

Saturday, August 1, 2009

23 富士山 - Fujisan

Late-Jul, 09


Late-Jul, 09

Fujisan (Mount Fuji) is one of the strong iconic of Japan.
Unfortunately, it was a bad weather when I visited there.
The scenery from 5-gome (5 step) is absolutely beautiful when weather is nice...

5 steps
Late-Jul, 09


車 - 河口湖ICで降り富士有料道路へ。


Car - Take Fuji Yuryo doro
2000 Yen for the return ticket.

There is a bus service by Keio and Fujikyuko from Shinjuku Station West gate to Mt Fuji 5 gome.
From Shinjuku, 6 services per day. However, timetable is going to be changed by season.

The timetable below is for the service between 17th Jul to 27th Sep 2009.
Shinjuku - Fujisan 5 gome
07:45 - 10:10
08:45 - 11:10
09:40 - 12;05
16:50 - 19:15
17:50 - 20:15
19:30 - 21:55

Fujisan 5 gome - Shinjuku
10:00 - 12:20
11:00 - 13:20
12:00 - 14:20
13:00 - 15:20
14:00 - 16:20
15:00 - 17:20

Please contact with Fujikyuko or Keio bus for further information.
or (Japanese only)

View 富士山 - Fujisan in a larger map