Sunday, December 15, 2013

253 ホトトギス - Hototogisu (Tricyrtis hirta)

妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13


妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13


妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13

In Japanese "Hototogisu" means a little cuckoo name.
This is because this flower, Hototogisu has similar spots of that bird.

妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13

Generally, Hototogisu (Hairly toad-lily / Tricyrtis hirta) blooms August to October however I saw their unique spotted flowers at Myoren-ji in Kyoto in the end of November 2013.
Personally, this is one my favorite flowers.

妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13

妙蓮寺にて - at Myoren-ji
Late Nov '13
